How to remove worms folk remedies

abdominal pain with worms

Many people have faced worms, but not everyone dares to talk about this problem. Worms are called parasitic helminths. These organisms can live in the organs of animals and humans, causing various diseases and disorders.

Causes of worms

Roundworms belonging to the species of pinworms and roundworms are most common in the human body. No less often, examinations reveal the presence of tapeworms - tapeworms or tapeworms.

The appearance of worms is a consequence of swallowing the eggs of the parasite with food or water. Basically, this time they use pinworms and roundworms. Chains enter the body only with animal meat. There are even types of worms (nematodes) that infect a person when they simply walk barefoot on infected soil.

The main signs of worm infestation are regular stool problems, constipation and diarrhea. Other symptoms include weight loss, weakness, frequent weakness, bad breath, dizziness, blue and swollen eyelids, and increased irritability. In children, the presence of worms can be accompanied by a slowdown in mental and physical development and delayed puberty.

How to remove worms folk remedies

  1. Pumpkin seeds will help fight worms. It is necessary to clean 300 g of seeds without compromising the integrity of the thin green shell. Peeled seeds are carefully ground in small portions. 60 milliliters of water (15 drops each) are gradually poured into the resulting substance, stirring constantly. After that, about 15 g of honey is added. The finished drug is taken in several portions within an hour (during which time it is necessary to consume the entire mass). After 3 hours, it is necessary to drink magnesium sulfate (30 g per half a glass of liquid for adults). For children, the number of grams of magnesium in one serving should be equal to the number of years. After half an hour, make an enema for cleansing.
  2. Wormwood and centaury are mixed in equal proportions. Spoon the resulting mixture into a glass of water and cook on low heat for about 20 minutes. This medicine is taken 2 times a day in one glass.
  3. A larger head of garlic is cooked in a glass of milk until the garlic softens. Drain the milk, leave it for a while (possibly overnight) and put an enema on it. For an enema, an adult uses the entire prepared mass, and for a child - 100 milliliters. To achieve the desired result, the procedure should be repeated for about 7 days.
  4. The glass jar is half filled with chopped onions. Vodka or alcohol is poured from the top to the edges of the dish. Tincture is taken 2 times a day for 2 tablespoons. If the tincture is prepared for children, use a glass of water instead of vodka and after 12 hours of infusion give the resulting mass 4 times a day, 100 milliliters.
  5. Crush pumpkin seeds and mix with wormwood leaves. Place in a bowl and fill with water to 1/3 of the volume of the bowl. Now fill it with vodka. The mixture should stand for a week in a warm place. You should take 50 milliliters 2 times a day until the worms disappear.
  6. Mix tansy flowers, gentian root, chamomile flower, buckthorn bark and wormwood grass in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 3: 2. Boil one teaspoon with a glass of boiling water. Within 3 days, drink one glass 2 times a day.